The next chapter.

I would like to formally apologize for slacking on my writing. Yes, I’ve been putting everything else before this blog. But let me tell you, there’s good reason for that.

1. I’ve started grad school. Woo hoo! And am two classes down, two in progress, 13 to go. December 2014 is the finish line and as one of my lovely students likes to say: “it’s a sprint, not a marathon.” So I will be pushing through this as hard and fast as I can.

2. I’m still working full-time. So yeah, there’s that.

3. The guy is kind of a big part of my life now. Which is super exciting. Less exciting is the fact that he graduated, got a baller job, and moved two hours away. So we’re adjusting to that. But still, overall a very very good part of my life. 🙂

4. I moved. And the guy moved. And moving sucks. A whole lot.

5. Around all of this, life keeps happening. So there are daily things that just catch up with me and keep me from sitting down to take pictures, write and get all of this done.

So with all of this, my priorities have done more shifting over the past few months than I ever could have imagined. And if you know me at all, me and my personal interests tend to make it to the very bottom of the list pretty darn quickly. But I’m working on balancing everything back out. So, hopefully, I will be posting weekly! And tonight marks my valiant return.

Today I spent the day alone. Which is one of the hardest things in the world for me. I like having people around! So I had to keep myself busy. And what better way than tanning, studying, and of course, cooking something. And when I’m stressed cooking, I don’t like to make things that require a recipe. So I went for an old favorite – guacamole. Nothing says summer quite like tex mex. In undergrad I worked at Chipotle for 3 years, so I am quite familiar with the construction of this particular dip. It’s pure muscle memory from doing to so many times. Now clearly it’s a bit less taxing with 3 avocados versus 48, but it was calming, and happy, and quite frankly delicious.

Classic Guacamole

  • 3 ripe avocados
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/3 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1 chopped fresh jalapeno
  • 1/2 chopped small red onion
  • Juice 1/2 lemon
  • Juice 1/2 lime
  • Mix and mash!




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